84 Aromatherapy Facts
So, What Exactly Are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are highly concentrated versions of the natural, volatile oils found in aromatic plants. These oils are extracted from the plants by the process of distillation, which is done by water or steam from the bark, flowers, stems, leaves, and roots of the plant.
Following distillation, the product is a highly concentrated extract of the plants volatile oils—an essential oil—with many of the beneficial properties and fragrance of the plant it was extracted from. Essential oils have been used throughout many cultures in human history, often for their positive effects on the body, mind, and spirit.
Aromatherapy is by far the most common therapeutic application of many essential oils, where effects are imparted or achieved through the aromas of those essential oils.
Historical records of essential oil use date back to the ancient Chinese and Egyptians. While the specific year the Egyptians started using aromatic herbs and aromatherapy isn’t known, evidence traces it back to around 3500 BC. In fact, the temple of Isis located on the island of Philae even had a sacred room for a cleansing ritual involving essential oils.
The Bible has almost 200 references to essential oils, like spikenard, hyssop, rosemary, myrrh, and frankincense. The Book of Exodus has a recipe for a holy anointing oil, and in the New Testament, three wise men gifted the Christ child myrrh and frankincense. Interestingly, and maybe for just these reasons, frankincense is found in our Zen MONQ blend.
Over three thousand years later, the ancient Greeks also took advantage of the benefits that essential oils offer. For instance, Hippocrates used them in the treatment of his patients.
More recently, essential oils became increasingly used in massage therapy in the 1950s and became a larger part of holistic treatment regimes beginning in the 1970s.
The Facts
1) Peppermint oil isn’t candy
Peppermint essential oil is actually a stimulating boost of comforting, cooling, and germ-busting properties.
2) Lavender oil is perhaps the best essential oil
Depending on its use, lavender essential oil has the most hype around it because it’s considered the most versatile, the most effective, and according to many, the most gentle.
3) Sweet orange essential oil has all the zest
If you’re seeking optimal benefits, make sure to get sweet orange essential oil, rather than bitter orange essential oil.
4) Tea tree oil has excellent benefits
Because of its antibacterial properties, If you have recurring blemishes, tea tree oil may assist with cleansing.
5) Clary sage can be calming for many
Already used by many as a calming and stress reducing oil, clary sage essential oil has also been shown to have potential to regulate mood swings associated with the menstrual cycle.
6) Eucalyptus essential oil can help ward off insects
The properties in this oil may help open up the breath, cleanse and purify spaces, as well as ward off insects.
7) Rosemary may help with motivation
When used aromatically, rosemary essential oil can be motivating and may promotes a productive mindset.
8) Lemongrass essential oil repels insects
In addition to acting as an insect repellent, lemongrass essential oil can be incredibly relaxing and purifying.
9) Lemon oil is a great at-home cleaner
Due to its antibacterial properties, lemon oil is a great ingredient to use in a DIY cleaner.
10) Cinnamon oil has soothing potential
Cinnamon essential oil has been reported by some to soothe the physical soreness that comes with a chest cold.
11) Essential oils aren’t lipid oils
They’re highly concentrated aromatic compounds which are typically steam-distilled from plants. A vegetable oil technically contains fatty acids (lipids), which essential oils do not.
12) Essential oils can’t be patented
Essential oils are a product of nature, so they can’t be patented. This partially explains why they’re not more widely used because pharmaceutical companies have huge profit margins on patented drugs.
13) Fragrance oils are not essential oils
Even though essential oils are used in aromatherapy, that doesn’t mean fragrance oils and essential oils are the same. Actually, if you see something that says “perfume” or “fragrance,” it’s likely a synthetic oil rather than a natural one. There’s nothing wrong with fragrances and perfumes if used for their intended purposes, but they’re not essential oils.
14) A lot of plant matter is needed to make an essential oil
If you’ve ever shopped for essential oils, you might have noticed they’re not cheap. A big reason for this is how much plant it takes to make them. For example, manufacturers and distillers require 150 pounds of the lavender flower to bottle up a single pound of lavender oil. For peppermint, as much as 250 pounds of leaves are necessary for a pound of the essential oil. One of the more expensive cases is Bulgarian rose essential oil, where nearly two tons of the plant is needed for a single pound of the essential oil.
15) Shelf life makes essential oils less expensive
The amount of plant material needed for essential oil production does drive the price up, but their durability when properly stored makes them an investment over time. Essential oils are stored inside dark, glass bottles, kept in a cool, dry place. When this is followed, most last for years.
16) A marketing department came up with the term “therapeutic grade”
It’s true that essential oils are supposed to be therapeutic, and if you want a high-caliber oil, buying one labeled as such should make you feel good. However, the term is a marketing concept and not a certifiable standard, tracing back to the 1990s as a way for companies to make their product stand out from other oils.
17) Even with marketing gimmicks, you can sort the good quality oils from the cheap imitators
To determine the quality of the oil you are looking to purchase, look for clues, including the common name of the oil, the name in Latin, the nation of origin, which parts of the plant were processed, how the plants were grown, and the method of extraction. Reputable manufacturers include all of this information.
18) Essential oils sometimes work fast
Essential oils are lipid soluble, which means they can usually travel through the walls of human cells. Many oils take effect in just 20 minutes.
19) Expensive oils aren’t always better oils
It’s usually true that you get what you pay for, and when there are serious discrepancies in price, the lower prices are typically the lower-quality oils. However, if the cost difference doesn’t have much variation, the lower priced oil might be just as good or better.
Consider how you plan to use the oil when you’re shopping for it. If you’re looking for something to clean your home naturally, get the cheaper oils. If you want something going into or onto your body for a therapeutic purpose, pay for the highest quality option.
20) Essential oils need to be diluted
You read about how highly concentrated and potent essential oils are. That’s a big reason why you’ll only use a drop or two in most cases. Even with just a few drops, you still need to dilute them in order to avoid skin sensitization or irritation.
Myths And Misconceptions
No list of 84 facts about essential oils and aromatherapy could be complete without also going over a few things that aren’t actually facts, but rather misconceptions.
21) Acme Company is the only business selling therapeutic grade or pure essential oils
Many businesses around the world make the pure and therapeutic grade. Finding them isn’t always easy, however. Here’s a helpful hint: head as far up the supply chain as you can. Also, keep in mind that purity doesn’t always translate to quality.
22) Therapeutic-grade essential oils aren’t third-party tested
There’s no industry certification for consistent standards. However, some companies regulate themselves internally. Others actually do have third-party groups verify their labs, product, and quality control—they’ll say so on their packaging. Just be careful to investigate the third-party verifier to make sure the information they are providing is credible.
23) Essential oils have minerals, vitamins, hormones, and other natural elements
You might also hear that essential oils are among the world’s most oxygenated or oxygenating substances. Though it is fact that essential oils have oxygen in them, that doesn’t put them at the top of the spectrum.
In terms of their molecular composition, you’re more likely to find carbon and hydrogen rather than oxygen in essential oils. Don’t even bother looking for vitamins or hormones. Essential oils do not provide vitamins, minerals or hormones directly.
24) Synthetic-free essential oils last forever
Basic chemistry prevents essential oils in any form from staying as they are over the course of time. How you store your oils can extend their longevity, but even in an atmosphere free of oxygen, they will eventually change in chemistry, so avoid keeping essential oils for prolonged periods of time.
25) First distillation or first pressing oils have the best quality
Outside of citrus oils, most essential oils are distilled rather than pressed, so it’s unlikely the plant material had the first pressing if any, much less multiple.
Legitimate distillers do only one distillation, getting as much as they can out at once, and then moving on, to maintain consistent product quality and avoid wasting plant material.
26) True Lavandula angustifolia doesn’t have any detectable camphor
As you’ll see throughout this list, lavender might just be the top essential oil, given its versatility and potency. As such, everyone selling essential oils wants to sell theirs as the best. Some have gone so far as to say that truly therapeutic lavender won’t have any camphor in it because that would mean it’s actually a mix of lavandin and lavender instead of pure lavender.
In reality, there’s going to be a little camphor in most lavender oils. According to ISO standards in North America, up to one and a half percent camphor is acceptable in most instances. In fact, it’s actually rare for lavender samples to have no camphor whatsoever.
27) Essential oils hold more power than anything in the living world
Essential oils are potent, to be sure. However, there are also sellers willing to say anything who may take their marketing of essential oils too far. They mention information like the idea that essential oils are the plant kingdom’s heartbeat and the lifeblood of their parent plants.
In reality, blood cells in animals are actually alive, and essential oils come out of a distillation process that requires heating to 200 degrees Fahrenheit, meaning the source plant material isn’t alive after distillation, and sometimes not even before. Though the oils contain organic molecules, they do not contain organic beings.
28) Essential oils have vibrational frequencies ranging from 52 Mhz up to 320 Mhz
The plant material essential oils are distilled from is exposed to the same sources of radiation as everything else on the planet. The only way that essential oils might improve your frequency is as a metaphor for the frequencies of health, life, and vigor, but not biologically.
29) Essential oils that cause rashes or burns on your skin just means your body is detoxing
Skin irritation is skin irritation, meaning that the oil is somehow adversely affecting your body. In the case of an allergic reaction, use of that particular essential oil should be discontinued as it can suggest a potential sensitivity to that oil.
30) Essential oils were used in the Bible and in Ancient Egypt
Though it is entirely possible that the plants used to make the essential oils were around during these times, the process of steam distillation did not come about till the 11th century, and modern essential oils are, by definition, typically derived by steam distillation.
These individuals may have used the same plants or even derived their own oils from the plants, but they’re not essential oils as we know them in the modern.
31) If you don’t physically like how an oil smells, then it means your body actually needs it
It’s true that some oils, just like particular wines or beers, are acquired tastes. On the other hand, when your body generally tells you to shy away from something, it knows danger when it sees it. Early humans had to use their sense of smell and taste to know what plants were poisonous or what food was spoiled.
For this reason, if the smell of a certain essential oil is aversive to you, this does not make it any more beneficial than other essential oils, and you can avoid using it.
32) When a manufacturer or distiller labels their bottles with “for external use only” or “not for internal use,” then it means the oils are not of good quality
The purpose behind such warnings is often so the companies can cover themselves legally and to prevent excess internal consumption. This label is not a testament to the quality of the oil, but rather a reminder to be mindful when using it.
33) A real essential oil won’t freeze because it doesn’t have water in it
Every liquid on the planet has a freezing point if the temperature goes low enough, and the water content has nothing to do with it. Even oils have freezing points, and in many cases, a single component will crystallize into a solid at room temperatures.
However, remember that essential oils are not meant to be stored in the freezer in the first place.
34) Some essential oils can replace aspirin
This particular myth usually revolves around wintergreen and birch specifically, which some say have the methyl salicylate compound also found in aspirin. It is true that both these essential oils have that compound, in fact, they are about 99 percent methyl salicylate. However, it’s not the same exact chemical that you find in aspirin, and it certainly doesn’t have the same effects.
If your doctor has you on an aspirin regimen, there’s a reason for it, so make sure to consult with your medical professional and realize that equating methyl salicylate to aspirin is misinformation.
35) The order that oils get blended in alters the aromatherapy, chemistry, and odor
Most essential oils have similar components, so it’s hard to imagine that chemical reactions are taking place in the blending process as you make an aromatherapy blend.
36) Clary sage oil has estrogen-like properties
Clary sage essential oil contains sclareol, which some individuals believe mimics the effects of estrogen. However, both estradiol and butylparaben, substances that do have the effects of estrogens, have a hydroxyl (-OH) group attached to a benzene ring which causes it to have these properties, something sclareol lacks. On the basis of chemical composition alone then, it is unlikely that clary sage essential oil has estrogen-like properties.
However, this does not mean it is not effective: clary sage essential oil is said by many to help alleviate the symptoms of menopause, it is simply not estrogen-like properties that cause for these benefits, however.
37) Synthetic molecules aren’t as good as natural molecules:
A synthesized molecule has the same structure whether it is synthesized in a machine or manufacturing plant or found naturally. Remember, “natural” doesn’t always mean better.
38) If an herb is great for treating an ailment, then its essential oil treats that same ailment
This one doesn’t hold true, and it’s based on a few things you’ve already learned in this list. An herb would constitute the whole of a plant, but essential oils are made from plant parts, and not always all of the plant or the same parts. So the essential oil of an herb is more than likely going to be missing the active ingredient an herb contains.
39) The FDA decided that a bottled product only needs to be five percent essential oil in order to be accurately labeled as 100 percent pure oil
The essential oil industry isn’t regulated. While some manufacturers or distillers might have their work processed in facilities or labs that meet FDA standards, that doesn’t mean the FDA is actually watching over them.
Fascinating Facts About How Essential Oils Are Made
40) Essential oils come from less than one percent of all plant species.
The plant kingdom has more than a quarter of a million plant species. Out of all of those, less than five hundred are known to produce essential oils that are usable. Even then, only about a third of those are actually used in therapeutic aromatherapy. The rest of them have applications in perfumery or other industries.
41) There’s more than one way to extract essential oils
Distillation and solvent extraction are two of the more popular methods. They also happen to be two of the safest choices. Distillation results in an oil that is more pleasing and potent.
42) Essential oils can be derived from many plant parts
Depending on the oil in question, it might be made from the stems, leaves, roots, or bark of a plant. In cases like lavender and chamomile, the oils might even be developed from blossoms or flowers. Lemon and orange essential oils come from the rind of the fruit.
43) Some plants produce more than one essential oil
Not only can essential oils come from many different plant parts, but the varying parts of the same plant might also provide different essential oils. The orange tree is one such instance, as nearly all its parts yield different essential oils. The actual orange essential oil comes from the fruit, but neroli essential oil is sourced from the blossoms, while petitgrain essential comes from the leaves.
44) Essential oils are molecularly tiny
If you look at their molecular size under a microscope, you’ll see that the components that make up essential oils are very small. That’s a big reason why the skin absorbs them so well and how they can help nourish, soften, and potentially even heal the body.
45) Aromatherapists in the United States have no formal certification
The industry is unregulated, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. If you want a clinical aromatherapist with education and training, you’ll easily find one among the several thousand who are able to prescribe the right kind of aromatherapy for you.
46) The potency of some plants depends on what time of year they get harvested
It’s not true for all plants, but for many, when they get harvested will impact not only the strength or their aroma but even what they’re used for. Thyme is a prime example in case. When distilled at a particular time, it will be highest in thymol. However, if thyme is distilled in the fall or the mid-summer, it’s going to be higher in carvacrol, which is more skin-irritating.
47) Melissa essential oil is very expensive
Currently, Melissa essential oil sells for as much as $15,000 per pound, while the “budget” brand sells it for $9,000.
48) Multiple factors determine the quality of the oil
This includes the weather where the plant was grown, the specific fertilizer used, the soil type and condition, and the region where it was grown. A lot of this information is listed on the bottle.
49) Lower-grade essential oils sometimes don’t even qualify as essential oils
Sometimes, what was supposed to be an essential oil winds up so low-quality that it’s not even considered to be an actual essential oil. Fortunately, most manufacturers or distillers realize this and know they’re actually just scents or essences and label them as such.
50) The perfume industry processes plants faster
The reason they do this is that they’re only seeking to extract the scent of the plant, not the health benefits, so their distillation process is higher in pressure and temperature. This destroys the therapeutic properties of the plant at a chemical level.
51) The Arabian nations can be thanked for modern essential oils
Given their geographic position, the Arabian nations had contact with and learned from the Indians, Chinese, Romans, and Greeks. Especially after the fall of the Roman Empire, the Arabian world preserved essential oil knowledge and passed it on, adding what they learned from each culture. It was in this span of history that a Persian physician named Avicenna personally improved the essential oil distillation process at the time.
Aromatherapy Benefits
52) Boost your confidence with essential oils
If you have a pending event coming up, such as a big speech to give or a job interview, then certain essential oils may prove useful. Jasmine essential oil is used by many to help calm down nerves, which can lead to increased feelings of optimism or confidence. Rosemary may help with matters of the mind, but it’s also a stimulating oil that may assist with physical exhaustion and fatigue. Other good essential oils for a confidence boost include grapefruit, orange, and bergamot.
53) Essential oils make for great at-home cleaners
The majority of essential oils has antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, which makes many of them great in homemade cleaning solutions. Oils specifically great at cleaning include lemon, eucalyptus, tea tree, rosemary, grapefruit, peppermint, and lavender.
54) Citrus oils are a pathway to positivity
Citrus essential oils are sometimes overlooked by consumers because they can’t be stored for as long as other oils. However, using them may enhance an individual’s mood.
55) Different oil combinations can make for more powerful effects
One example is coupling lavender with chamomile, which is believed to enhance the anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile.
Using Essential Oils
56) You can’t cook using essential oils the same ways you’d use normal cooking oils
There are some food-grade essential oils you can apply in small amounts to flavor food, but you can’t cook with them. If you make a raw chocolate recipe, consider adding a touch of some orange oil in order to help boost your immune system. Likewise, add one drop of peppermint oil to a smoothie to aim to improve digestion.
57) Essential oils are like spices in terms of shelf life
Over time, their potency and the power of their therapeutic benefits degrade. Improper or delayed storage provides the risk of and even rancidity.
58) Never refrigerate essential oils
Essential oils should be stored like packaged foods and medications, in a cool, dry place.
59) Essential oils can make healthy alternatives to for store-bought toiletries
Want to make your own deodorant? Add one drop of your personal favorite essential oil to some coconut oil and baking soda.
60) Research any oil before you use it for your first time
If you have any concerns regarding the safety of any oil, don’t use it. Make sure to research the benefits and side effects of any essential oil before use. If using the oil topically, dilute with a carrier oil and perform a patch skin test before applying to larger areas of the body in case of allergic reaction.
61) Most knowledge about essential oils and their healing abilities comes from the knowledge that has been passed down from personal experience for centuries
However, new scientific research is also beginning to look at the chemical composition of the compounds within these essential oils to further study the benefits they can provide.
62) Use a carrier oil to dilute essential oils
Because of how concentrated essential oils are, diluting them with coconut oil, jojoba, or almond oil prevents adverse skin reactions.
63) Don’t overuse essential oils
Remember their potency, high concentrations, and how a ton of one plant makes a pound of oil.
64) The FDA doesn’t certify or regulate essential oils
In fact, not a single U.S. government agency does. If anyone tells you otherwise, they’re either mistaken or lying. So the burden is on you to be the wise consumer to be aware of the quality of the product you’re buying—be mindful.
65) Test for sensitivity to new essential oils
If you plan on using a new essential oil in any kind of skincare routine, you need to find out in advance if you’re sensitive. Do this by combining a half a teaspoon of carrier oil with a single drop of the new essential oil. Rub that on the upper and inside area of your arm. Wait a few hours. You probably don’t have the sensitivity to that oil if there’s no itching or redness.
66) Be careful when pregnant or nursing
Consult with your healthcare profession before using essential oils while pregnant or nursing.
67) Keep in mind that allergies in food mean allergies in essential oils
If you’re not able to eat something like sage without a rash breaking out, then using sage essential oil is going to mean risking that same rash.
68) Essential oils are highly concentrated
For example, one drop of peppermint essential oil is the equivalent of 28 cups of peppermint herbal tea.
69) Mint, citrus, and floral essential oils are light and perfect for summer
Consider adding these essential oils to your collection when summer rolls around or even bring them with you when you’re taking a trip as one of your travel essentials.
70) Carrier oils usually don’t have an odor
The purpose of carrier oil is to help dilute and deliver the essential oil, so it’s typically neutral by itself. Some do have a nutty aroma that’s a bit sweet. If you smell anything bitter or strong, however, then the carrier oil has likely gone bad.
71) Essential oils don’t mix well with water
Avoid using water to dilute an essential oil, and be skeptical of any seller suggesting it’s okay. Water actually increases an oil’s strength in most cases. If you apply oil on your skin by accident or mistake that causes itching or burning, you should dilute it with a carrier oil instead of water. If you’re not sure what to use, consider fractionated coconut oil, which is a very common and safe choice.
72) Aromatherapists can provide you with the information you need
Thousands of qualified aromatherapy practitioners are around the country waiting to happily consult you on the healing benefits of a range of oils. If there’s not one available in your community, you can find many of them online.
73) Keep essential oils out of reach of children and avoid contact with eyes
74) Use construction paper to test the purity of essential oil:
Just put one drop of essential oil onto a single piece of construction paper. If there’s a ring left, the manufacturer probably diluted it with some kind of oil. If there’s no ring, the oil is pure. This test works for most essential oils.

Beginning Your Journey with Essential Oils
75) Essential oils range in both price and quality
The reasons for the range in both include many factors. First of all, the rarity of the plant in use matters, as does the nation of origin of the plant, its local climate, and growing conditions. The procedures and processes, as well as the quality standards of the manufacturer or distiller, also come into play in determining the price.
76) The bottle matters
Do you ever wonder why so many essential oils come in glass bottles with amber or dark shading? It’s so that outside light is absorbed instead of passed through, keeping the essential oil in an optimal natural state.
77) Bottle size varies
Essential oils are sold in various sizes, but the typical range is from as small as five mL to as large as 20 mL. How much you should buy will be based on your available budget, how much you intend to use, and how long the oil is expected to last when properly stored.
78) Just smell
You can enjoy your essential oils by smelling its scent throughout the day. Some essential oils can be smelled carefully by opening the bottle, holding it up against your nose or just putting a few drops onto a tissue.
79) Steam is possible too
Depending on your needs, steam can work out well.
Boil a few cups of water, pour the liquid into a bowl, and then add a few drops of oil into the water. Hold your face around about a foot above the bowl, covering both your head and the bowl with a towel. Smell the steam slowly.
Steam proves very effective when done with care, and it can also benefit your skin.
82) Enjoy an essential oil diffuser
Of course, there’s a high-tech way to go about things—electronic diffusers are created for the purpose of dispersing a super-fine mist of your essential oils. They’ll gently fill the air with both the aroma and the healing benefits in just minutes. Just put a few drops of your chosen essential oil into a room diffuser and let it circulate the oil throughout your room. For an on-the-go option, try a portable essential oil diffuser.
83) Enjoy essential oils in a bath
Adding your essential oils to your bath is a great way to take a break during your busy week. A simple box of Epsom salts can work as a base for most essential oils. Just dropping your oils into your water means they won’t dissolve as nicely as they could if you first mix them into salts, which dissolve really well.
84) Enjoy an aromatherapy massage
The final fact about essential oils you might not have previously known is that you can actually get exposed to them through massage work. You know by now that essential oils prove too strong and concentrated for direct use in massage, so one of those carrier oils is necessary yet again. A good ratio is 20 drops of your essential oil to one ounce of the chosen carrier oil.
This concludes the list of 84 facts you never knew about essential oils if you’re new to this body of knowledge. Hopefully, it’s eye-opening and informative, the kind of knowledge you can use to enhance your lifestyle and health.
If you’re not sure where to start your own essential oil journey into the world of aromatherapy, there are three great starting points.
First, find a qualified aromatherapist who can get to know you and your needs and then make specific recommendations for you to use. Second, if you don’t know which essential oil to start with, turn to lavender, perhaps the most popular essential oil, and for good reason. Third, as always, consult your own physician before making changes to your lifestyle, diet, and personal healthcare.
With all of this information, consider adding essential oil use into your daily routine to reap the wide-ranging health benefits that they provide.