Visual Aromatherapy Guide
Camphor Terpene Profile

Camphor terpene, derived from the wood of the camphor tree, has long been valued for its cooling, refreshing aroma and its wide range of potential therapeutic benefits. It is commonly used in aromatherapy to promote mental clarity and reduce feelings of stress or fatigue. Camphor is also included in many topical products for its ability to relieve muscle and joint discomfort due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective for soothing aches and pains.
In addition to its muscle-relieving properties, camphor is frequently used in respiratory products for its ability to open the airways and ease congestion. Its invigorating scent can help clear the sinuses and encourage deeper, easier breathing, making it a popular ingredient in vapor rubs and other respiratory support products. As with all essential oils, camphor should be used with proper dilution, and it’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider before use, particularly for those with sensitive skin or underlying health conditions.