An Introduction to Aromatherapy, Astrology, and How They Work Together

Astrology and aromatherapy share more in common than most people may believe. There are some who choose to focus only on one of those aspects or the other, but a lot can be learned by acknowledging both sides of the coin. Both astrology and aromatherapy can have a significant impact on mood, the mind, everyday choices, and health.

You needn't be an expert in either field to understand how they affect you and how to best use their influence on day-to-day life. A basic understanding of both concepts, as well as how they can work together, is a great place to start.

Introduction to Astrology

At its very core, astrology is the study of celestial bodies, their movements, and their positions relative to one another. It is said that the movements and positions of these celestial bodies influence a number of events on Earth. In particular, they influence specific moments in time. One such moment in time is birth, which is why astrology is often viewed in a personal scope. 1

When speaking of astrology, most people immediately think of their horoscope. Most individuals are familiar with our zodiac signs and may read horoscopes that predict future relationships choices or financial success. That zodiac sign is determined by the position of various celestial bodies at the time of an individual's birth. 

Each person has a birth chart that captures the moment in time of their birth. The chart includes the relative position of various planets, stars, constellations, and other celestial bodies. Important information required to create a birth chart include place of birth, date of birth, and exact time of birth.

This chart determines a person's zodiac sign among other things. At the moment of a person's birth, the sun is passing through a specific zodiac sign. That is the sign that is most commonly referred to as a person's zodiac personality, or “sun sign.” The sign where the moon was at birth is known as a person's “moon sign,” and it represents their emotional personality and mood.

Other signs can also be determined using the chart that reflect different aspects of personality. For example, the rising sign is the zodiac sign that was rising on the Eastern horizon at birth. It is said to represent spontaneous actions.

All of these symbols combined can provide a snapshot of how a person will behave in life. They can also help you understand yourself in new ways. These signs by no way dictate your actions, but by understanding them, you can begin to understand why you feel certain ways or why you feel compelled to make certain choices.

What is most interesting is that certain traits stemming from different signs can be supported through the use of aromatherapy. A combination of signs that results in increased stress can benefit from essential oils that reduce stress, while signs that promote leadership can benefit from an energizing oil. The are many possible combinations that can be used to achieve a variety of different goals, but for this, it’s important to have a basic understanding of aromatherapy.

Introduction to Aromatherapy

The sense of smell is the only sense that is directly connected to the limbic system, which is the part of the brain that controls emotions and memories. Because of this, scents can have a significant impact on how an individual feels and behaves. They can also stir up dormant memories that may also influence emotions and choices.2

The connection between the olfactory bulb and the limbic system can be used to produce specific results. The outcome is further influenced by the interaction of terpenes in the oils with different receptors in the body. Combining these two processes makes up the basis of aromatherapy, the act of using essential oils to support the mind and body.

The list of potential benefits associated with essential oils grows each year. There are more than 100 known terpenes, but how each one affects humans is still not fully understood. We do know that they are produced by plants to promote their long-term survival. For example, they may repel predators or attract pollinators.

In most cases, aromatherapy involves a specific combination of oils and carrier oils like almond, coconut, or jojoba oil. The exact combinations of those oils depend on the desired outcome. For example, chamomile and lavender essential oils  are both known to alleviate stress and support sleep quality. 

Final Thoughts

The key to successfully using aromatherapy and astrology to improve your life is knowing what to expect but also adapting as you learn more about yourself. That will require learning more about your birth chart, as well as the effects of different essential oils.

Once you have learned more regarding zodiac signs and essential oils, you can build a collection of oils for your aromatherapy sessions. These should be oils and blends that will help support issues associated with your sign. And, in time, as you learn more about yourself, your energy, and how astrology affects you personally, you can add more specific oils and blends to that collection.

Your birth chart will not be able to tell you exactly what oils are best for you, but it will provide you with a great place to start. From there, it's up to you to explore the art and science of aromatherapy and astrology.

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