Essential Oil and Diffusers

Insights from the MONQ Community

Welcome to the MONQ Review Hub! Curious about the experiences of fellow users with our innovative aromatherapy products? Look no further. In this dedicated space, we're thrilled to share authentic accounts straight from the MONQ community. From moments of tranquility to bursts of inspiration, delve into firsthand testimonials that illuminate the transformative power of our blends. Join us as we embark on a journey through the senses, one breath at a time.


"Although the MONQ blends are already mixed and balanced perfectly, I like to combine two for an extra boost! I inhale both vibrant and skinny prior to workouts and LOVE the results. The vibrantMONQ gives me the extra boost I need to motivate me at the beginning of a workout and the skinny MONQ sets my mind in a place to focus on every muscle in my body! Afterward, I follow up with an inhale of healthy MONQ to really seal in the benefits of my hardworking exercise!"—Danajane K. Any 7 Blends

"love monq"

"I enjoy them very much it brings me back to focus from the great smells the Monq has"—kay p. Any 7 Blends

"A Blessing"

"Nobody introduced any of the Monq blends to me but after seeing a fellow artist on YouTube try them, it looked interesting enough to dive into. Talk about making the best decision ever! As someone who often deals with the stresses of the world both professionally and personally, the Monq blends keep me at an all-time neutral. After purchasing all 7 blends I honestly have no complaints, I can sleep a little better, I can focus on certain tasks with more mental clarity, I can relax a lot easier during stressful moments throughout the day. I'm very thankful and fortunate that these were created, and I hope that you will continue making these. This is truly a blessing for my peace of mind. Thank you"—Darius B. Any 7 Blends


"This was an absolutely worthwhile purchase! I love the blends and the different feelings you get from them! Energy, focus, sleepy...all of them are great!"—Vincas K. Any 10 Blends

"Love it!"

"Great stuff. It helps get my mind off things and it can also help me focus."—Kimberly W. Any 4 Blends


"Having MONQ is like having a friend around at all times. If I'm feeling tired, or sad, or nervous, or frustrated I know that it's right there to help me feel a little, or a lot, better. Vibrant helps me focus, Sexy helps with confidence, Zen keeps me calm, and Happy beats those days when my mood is dragging. Can't wait to try them all!"—Amy S. Any 4 Blends

"Love them."

"I didn't expect to like them as much as I do. The sleep one doesn't do much for me. But active, happy and Zen are amazing! I actually feel calm after the Zen. The active gives me a focus. And happy is very peaceful calm."—Lauren A. Any 4 Blends

"Love them!!!"

"I have zen, vibrant, and sleepy. They're so helpful, even if it is a placebo effect, it forces you to take a deep breath and focus on something. Great experience."—Celeste T. Any 4 Blends

"Bad mood be gone"

"I just want to focus on the happy right now. I have mood swings. And by mood swings, I can get void of emotions where I feel meh or I'm sad, however never angry. However it's been about two weeks that I puff on Happy and I have to say, bad moods have literally subsided and I feel a lot better"—Delores O. Any 4 Blends

"Life savers"

"I purchased the four-pack Sleepy, Active, Zen and Vibrant. Sleepy made me immediately relax and fall asleep. Active gave me a little pick me up whenever I was tired. Zen helped me chill out whenever I was driving or under a little stress and Vibrant helped give me a focus jolt whenever I needed to get something done. I enjoyed the four monqs and can't wait to try them all"—Brittney S. Any 4 Blends


"I used to have to purposefully focus on my breathing so I'd stop "thinking". I had a hard time turning off my thoughts. However, once I began using MONQ's Sleepy... it was as if a switch had been flipped and I'd drift off right away!!! Before I'd look at the clock and realize I'd been awake 30-45 minutes, now each morning after, I try to think of what happened after inhaling Sleepy...& realize there'd been an immediate disconnect from the day!
So Happy with Sleepy!"—Chris H. Any 4 Blends

"A fabulous way to relax and focus"

"I've purchased a few different blends. My favorite so far is certainly the zen. The scent is fabulous. I've also really fallen for the Sleepy blend. I use it while I'm laying in bed reading."—James M. Any 4 Blends

"Love it!"

"Ordered Happy, Sexy, Zen, Active. My boyfriend and I love them. Taste great and really make you feel how they describe. I think I like Zen best, it helps me focus!"—Caitlin G. Any 4 Blends

"Wonderful product truly works. Helps"

"Wonderful product truly works. It helps me relax and focus. Whether it's placebo or not, I will keep using them."—Brittany M. Any 4 Blends

"I love them! I was"

"I love them! I was a little skeptical at first but I like them a lot. My favorite has been the Zen. It really has helped me calm down and focus better. I am very glad that I tried Monq!"—Pilar G. Any Seven Pack

"My favorite blend!"

"Please don't discontinue this blend! I recommend it to everyone"—Sarah Focus

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Disclaimer: The above information relates to studies of specific individual essential oil ingredients, some of which are used in the essential oil blends for various MONQ diffusers. Please note, however, that while individual ingredients may have been shown to exhibit certain independent effects when used alone, the specific blends of ingredients contained in MONQ diffusers have not been tested. No specific claims are being made that use of any MONQ diffusers will lead to any of the effects discussed above. Additionally, please note that MONQ diffusers have not been reviewed or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. MONQ diffusers are not intended to be used in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, prevention, or treatment of any disease or medical condition. If you have a health condition or concern, please consult a physician or your alternative health care provider prior to using MONQ diffusers. MONQ blends should not be inhaled into the lungs.Why? It works better that way