Essential Oil and Diffusers

Bergamot: The Citrus Essential Oil for Uplifting Moods

Bergamot essential oil is derived from the peel of the bergamot orange, a citrus fruit known for its bright, refreshing aroma. This essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy for its mood-boosting and stress-relieving properties. Studies suggest that bergamot oil can help reduce stress and promote relaxation by lowering cortisol levels.

Bergamot’s unique scent profile—a mix of citrusy sweetness with slightly floral and spicy undertones—makes it a popular ingredient in perfumes, skincare products, and even Earl Grey tea. It’s also a powerful essential oil for enhancing focus, reducing tension, and supporting overall emotional well-being.

Rather than relying on traditional diffusion methods, MONQ’s portable essential oil diffusers offer a convenient way to experience bergamot’s uplifting effects on the go.

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Disclaimer: The above information relates to studies of specific individual essential oil ingredients, some of which are used in the essential oil blends for various MONQ diffusers. Please note, however, that while individual ingredients may have been shown to exhibit certain independent effects when used alone, the specific blends of ingredients contained in MONQ diffusers have not been tested. No specific claims are being made that use of any MONQ diffusers will lead to any of the effects discussed above. Additionally, please note that MONQ diffusers have not been reviewed or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. MONQ diffusers are not intended to be used in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, prevention, or treatment of any disease or medical condition. If you have a health condition or concern, please consult a physician or your alternative health care provider prior to using MONQ diffusers. MONQ blends should not be inhaled into the lungs.Why? It works better that way